Wisconsin Fly Fishing for Trout

Pink Squirrel Fly Pattern

The Pink Squirrel fly pattern was designed by John Bethke and is probably the most popular trout fly pattern today in Wisconsin's Driftless Area. John Bethke tied these flies I have posted below:

Pink Squirrel Fly Pattern (Original dressing)
tied by John Bethke

Hook: Mustad #3906 hook (sizes 12 – 16)
Thread: Black
Bead: Gold
Rib: Red copper wire
Body: Fox Squirrel body fur mixed with Lureflash Amber Antron & Olive Ice dubbing
Tail: 1 piece of Krystal Flash Rainbow / Pearl tied & then doubled back to make a V-shaped tail
Thorax: Medium FL. Shrimp Pink Chenille (Hareline CHM140)

Although there are many variations shown on the Internet this is the original pattern tied by John Bethke himself and given to me at the Badger Spring Opener on February 11, 2017.

Pink Squirrel fly pattern

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